LIFT UP YOUR EYES (27/3/11) In Church this morning we were reminded to lift up our eyes and look on the fields that are white unto particular in regard to reaching children. It is such a privilege to know that, if we are saved, then we all have a part to play in reaching the children. Maybe you wonder how you could help us in "Feed My Lambs"....why not visit our ways to help page for some ideas.
We thank God for some books which have been transported to Kenya and should have arrived by now. Pray for wisdom for distributing these in the days ahead. There is a great need for us to have a meeting with our workers when we next return to Kenya. There is much to discuss. Pray that God will provide for us to travel again soon. Remember the ongoing issue of the office. We really feel the property we have found is the one for us. Financially the same committment will be neede regardless of where we go, but we know that there will be great opportunity for developing the work and seeing it grow which we can't do in the current office. Please pray. We have two "possible" meetings which "might" come off this week. Neither are confirmed as yet, but both would have very encouraging results and would mean a lot for the work if God sees fit to open one or both of these doors. Pray that we will know wisdom in regard to these issues. We are thankful for quite a good weekend at the market and are again amazed at how God opens doors in unexpected ways. Thank you to those who continue to pray for us and to support us practically and financially. You are not taken for granted. FEAR NOT! (21/3/11) In all of the challenges we face both in the work and personally, it can be very easy to feel swamped and let the devil make things even worse than they are and cause us to fear. But in all of these circumstances we must remember the words of our Lord..."Fear Not!". Please pray for each of us involved in FML, that we will "Fear Not" matter how difficult the circumstance we find ourselves in. There are a number of people associated with us who need your prayers at the moment. Please remember Pastor Aringo and his wife who have lost two members of their family...a brother in law to Pastor Aringo and also a neice. We thank God that Pastor Aringo's little girl is doing well again after a period of sickness. Pray for Joyce who has been unwell and attending hospital in Uganda. She hopes to be returning to Kenya for treatment. Pray for Billy and May who have always been faithful supporters of our work and assisted at the stall regularly. Both have been unwell lately and spent time in hospital. Please pray for them. Dad, myself and William have also been facing our own challenges and appreciate prayer. Perhaps the devil is fighting against us even by bringing sickness and other problems which distract us in prayer and in the work. Pray that we can remain focussed throughout each day. Please continue to pray regarding the need of a new office. We are still short of the money needed for the deposit but we feel sure this property has been brought before us by the Lord. Please pray. Finally, our latest prayer letter has just been issued. If you would like to be added to our mailing list please email [email protected]. The prayer letter is available in printed format or by email. UPDATE ON NEW OFFICE (14/3/11) Thank you for your prayers for us over this past week concerning the leasing of a new office. As you will know, we were required to pay the deposit by today. We have made some progress with the funds, but are still someway off the amount that we need. HOWEVER, in an unexpected turn of events, the deadline has now been extended until 1st April….WITHOUT US HAVING TO ASK!!!! God is good. As well as allowing us more time to raise the needed funds, there are also a number of other practical reasons why this extra time works better for us. Over the past week we have been considering the lease for the property. There were a number of things which we needed clarified and also a few points which we felt needed to be included for our own protection. All of these points have been agreed to and we are waiting for the amended lease to be forwarded to us today. It just seems like God is going before us and opening up the way step by step. We know that some have been shocked with the amount of money involved, however, this is Nairobi, a thriving and expanding city where office space is in great demand. Belfast (N.Ireland) is nothing in comparison. Please be assured that we are not entering into any commitment lightly or without much prayer. We realise that it is not just a deposit which is needed, but ongoing monthly rent. We have learnt a lot as we have searched for premises and we do feel sure that this particular property is good value for money. WE CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH just how much this means to the work of FML. This is not just an office. This is a property we can use long term to develop the existing ministry but also it will allow us to introduce new forms of outreach which we have been praying about. So much of the work now rests on us having enough space. The accommodation will also benefit us when we travel. We feel more and more sure that God has this place for us and we are asking you to really take this matter upon your heart and pray much concerning it. We would especially ask you to share this need in your prayer meetings and among your friends who will remember us. If everything goes ahead as we are hoping, then we will also need to travel to Kenya as soon as possible; probably during April; to move everything from our current office and establish the new headquarters. Please pray that every need will be met to make this possible as we do not want to be paying rent on a building which is not in use. We hope to issue a full prayer letter this week with more news of the work, but, in the meantime, please do make this need a priority for your prayers. REQUESTING PRAYER (7/3/11) As you are aware, we have been looking for a bigger office in Nairobi. After much searching and some disappointments we have now located another property which would be very suitable for an office, storage and accommodation. We have been able to reserve the property for one week in order to allow us time to pray concerning it and to know whether this is God’s will for us. Should we feel we should take the next step we will be required to secure the premises, by 14th March, with a deposit which equates to 3 months rent. We have realised that property in Nairobi is very expensive. The amount needed will be Ksh 300 000 which is approximately £2500.00. Please pray with us that we will know very clearly God’s will concerning this and also His provision for the amount needed should it be His will for us to move forward. Exodus 33 : 15 “…If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.” God Bless and thank you for praying. GIVE GOD THANKS (1/3/11) Over 400 children, including many catholic children, attended the rally in Nakuru on Saturday 26 February. We thank the Lord for helping those who took part and we pray that the seed sown will bear much fruit. Pray that the devil will not snatch the good seed away. The Lord really helped me at the ladies' meeting on Thursday night and again last night I was especially conscious of God's help. My arm has settled quite bit thought I still have a little pain from time to time, some tingling and it tires easily. But overall there has been a big improvement. Another 4000 lessons are currently being printed and we thank God for this. The office search continues as we missed out on a property yet again! Please continue to pray. We have now added a page to our website for children. Click here to visit the main page and then follow the links on the right to read a daily Bible story, enjoy a daily quiz or enjoy some activities. Of course, you might just want to tell some little people! We hope to add to it over time. PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN (21/2/11) Please pray for the children's rally which will be held in Nakuru this Saturday, 26 February. It will run for around 4 hours. Remember Dan and Moses as they organise and participate in the event. Pray that there will be good teaching and the children will go away having gained good Bible knowledge. Pray most of all that boys and girls will be saved and those who are saved already will be encouraged in their walk with God. I would also appreciate prayer for a ladies' meeting which I will speak at on Thursday evening. We give thanks for another batch of clothes which were collected last week. We are still collecting them, so keep them coming. The market was quieter this past weekend, yet not the worst we have had. Pray for a better turnout this incoming week. We thank God for His provision which has allowed us to cover some needs, including expenses for the rally. We look to Him for the remainder of what is needed. Dad and I were able to attend a Church Resource Exhibition last Thursday. A number of the stands were interesting and may have benefits for the work. We also attended a seminar relating to the registration of charities here in Northern Ireland. Whilst it didn't really help us with the problems we are facing, it did enlighten us as to new regulations which will be implemented over the next few years.....many of which are not favourable, in our opinion, to Churches and Christian organisations like ourselves. Please pray. The pain in my arm has settled quite a bit though still there at times. I still have tingling and numbness in my hand but, again, it is not as severe. I still find my hand and arm very weak and tires easily. I have spent today catching up on emails which were missed last week due to the pain in my arm, I have perhaps overdone it slightly. It seems a trapped nerve has been the cause of the discomfort. I am thankful that this week has seen more of an improvement than the previous week. Do continue to remember us in prayer as we consider new ideas of promoting the work in the coming days. We really would like to travel to Kenya at Easter. In fact, we see that it is essential that we travel. It all comes down to provision. If the funds are there we will go, if not, we can't. Please pray GOD KNOWS (14/2/11) Unfortunately negociations for the office took an unexpected turn and we felt unable to proceed any further. We are all very disappointed but know that everything will work out. We just believe if that office is meant for us God can still work things out and if not He must have something better for us. Please remember our ongoing financial needs at this time. We are thankful for extra support which has been coming in recently. We have a number of needs which urgently needed sorted out and are praying for a few thousand pounds within the next week or two. It seems big but we know God is able. Please pray with us. Please also remember the team in Nakuru as they plan for a children's rally at the end of February. Pray for all of the organising, for God's provision and mostly that boys and girls would be saved as a result. I would appreciate prayer as I have had severe pain in my arm and problems with my hand for the past 10 days or so. The doctor gave me strong pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets and said there should be gradual improvement. There has been gradual improvement, especially at night, but not as much as I would have liked. It does seem to be muscular but stress and tiredness as well as driving does seem to aggravate it a lot. The doctor also advised a sling to rest it but there just seems to much to do which involves two I haven't been using the sling too much. Please pray much. KEEP ON BELIEVING (7/2/11) We are so glad we serve a God who hears and answers prayer. I have been encouraged these last couple of weeks with the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Lazarus had died and his sister went to meet Jesus. She said to the Lord that if He had been there her brother would not have died, but then she said "even now" whatever you ask of God, God will give it to thee. I keep thinking of the "even now"....that even when it seems all hope is lost, "even now" God can give us the desires of our hearts. The Lord helped me this past week with another meeting and has also been helping William as he has been cutting more blocks and getting them and turf etc. transported down to the market. William is up during the night a lot at the minute looking after sheep; please pray that he will have the rest he needs and will be alert and kept safe during the day. Continue to pray for Dad as he helps us at the stall. He continues to be the top seller! Pray on for Billy and May that they will both be blessed with complete healing and know the Lord's blessing in these days. We appreciate your prayers for Pastor Aringo as he oversees the work in our office. There is a lot to juggle. Do pray on concerning the office. Discussions haven't been as straightforward as we had hoped but we still pray that God will make the way clear and show us which office to go for and that we will know His will. The collection of Bibles in Nairobi have been delayed as it has turned out those left over for us where not KJV Bibles but we hope to have this problem rectified soon and have the Word of God to present to children. Please continue to pray for us all in these days. Do remember we are available to take meetings with adults or children and appreciate any opportunities to share of our work in Kenya. KEEP PRAYING (1/2/11) Please keep praying regarding the new office. Pray that God's will be done. The Lord helped at the market at the weekend although it was cold at times. This has been the best January for us since we started, although we are conscious that other traders have found it quieter. Do pray that things will pick up for them. The ad in the local paper really helped us a lot. Do continue to remember that we are still collecting clothes, curtains etc. We would like to arrange for another collection very soon. I am thankful for the Lord's help at a ladies' meeting last night. I personally was encouraged to think of how God has been answering prayer for us. Praise God for the help given to Dan and Moses as they held a meeting with Sunday School Teachers at the weekend in Nakuru. Pray that we will know wisdom for the way ahead. An opportunity for outreach in an area in Kenya has arisen. It could have great potential, however, even at this early stage we are conscious that people can get carried away and it could become a free for all and easily run out of control. Please pray for wisdom and help in leadership from the other side of the world. Pray that there will be good structure. Please pray that an important item which Joyce posted to us before Christmas will soon arrive. Another meeting this Thursday so do pray for that. Also, 4 lessons being printed at the moment and 100 Bibles due to be collected very soon. Keep praying for God's provision. As the work grows and as we consider taking some big steps, yet again the devil swoops in and kicks us. Please pray for protection upon all FML workers here in UK and in Kenya and pray that the devil will be defeated and the Lord will have His way. The devil is subtle and he knows how to destroy, but the Lord is on our side and if God be for us, who can be against us? PRAYER REQUEST (24/1/11) Thank you for remembering me as I shared at a ladies' meeting last Monday. The Lord really helped and there was great interest among those present. I was also given some teddies for the children in Kenya and some lovely knitted dolls as well as some clothes. This week I will return to Belfast to collect some more items from a lady who was at the meeting. We are delighted that the first batch of books sent out with the Architect from our area, have made it to Pastor Aringo. God is good. As you will know from reading our most recent prayer letter and also if you’ve been following the blog; that we have become very conscious that we need a bigger office in <cityw:ston><placew:ston>Nairobi. During our time in <placew:ston><country-regionw:ston>Kenya and since returning home we have been following up a number of options and a number of possibilities have been viewed. Within the last 2 weeks, we have been made aware of an office which we feel would be very suitable for us. It is in a good, central and secure location in <placew:ston><cityw:ston>Nairobi. We feel it has great potential and we certainly believe that a move to these premises would be beneficial to the ministry and would serve us well long term. We can see numerous ways in which this particular office would benefit us and help to develop the ministry. There is good storage space and it would be beneficial to us when we come to <placew:ston><country-regionw:ston>Kenya. However, the office is much bigger than we had been originally considering at this time and as such, the rent is much higher than we had anticipated. However, we can make good use of the space and it would save us another move a few years down the line. We realise that no matter where we move to there will be a significant rise in running costs, but we also believe that God is able to provide if we move in His will. We are currently negociating with the owners of the office. They are born again people and have been extremely helpful to us. It means a lot that they are happy to rent to us, and also, this is the first place where all of us; those in <country-regionw:ston>UK and in <placew:ston><country-regionw:ston>Kenya; feel it is a good option. We really would just like to ask you to pray much that we will know very clear and specific guidance from the Lord. It is such a massive step of faith for us and we really need to know that we would be moving in God’s will. We do have a peace about the place, but financially it is a big step and we need to know the mind of God. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. FAITHFUL (17/1/11) We continue to be reminded of the faithfulness of those who labour with us but more importantly the faithfulness of God. I was glad to speak with Joyce and also Pastor Aringo for quite a while this past week. Both are encouraged with the work of FML and it is clear that God is working. Please remember both of them in these days. Joyce continues trying to adjust to her new home and way of life in Uganda, but has continued to oversee FML projects. Pastor Aringo continues faithfully with the work whilst looking after his wife and children and seeing to their needs. Remember especially his children at school, they need the Lord's help and provision in these days. Last week we mentioned how one possible office opportunity had closed up for us. Since then, another possibility has come to our attention. Pastor Aringo has been to see the premises and we all think it seems to be good for what we need. We look forward to hearing more details and doing some negociations and will keep you updated. Please pray that we will know God's will concerning this big step and that the door will open for us and everything will fall into place if this is the office God has for us. The market was again busy on Friday, though very quiet on Saturday. But generally we were encouraged. An advert which has been running in the local newspaper for a number of weeks has brought us a lot of response and orders for blocks etc A large number of new christian books, mainly children's books and also a large number of Christmas cards have again been donated to FML. With some previously received books already on their way to our office, William and I spent quite a while on Saturday sorting out this latest batch. Only those using quote from the KJV rather than other versions will be sent to Kenya, so there was a lot to sort. The photos below show how every available space was used! Please pray regarding our charity registration. After almost 3 years of trying to get registered...a process we were told would take 6 weeks; we have now been sent a form which is 10 pages in length and told there are now new procedures for registering. In many ways we feel like we are starting again. Please pray that the Lord will give victory in this matter. May has been unable to join us at the market for two weeks has her husband has been ill and in hospital. Billy is a very faithful to FML and prays much for the work. Please remember him at this time and pray for perfect healing. On a personal note, my sister-in-law in England lost her mother at the beginning of last week. Please remember her and my brother and their family there at this time and pray that they will know much help leading up to the funeral later in the month. Pray also for those from N.Ireland who will travel over for the funeral. Finally, pray for myself as I speak at a ladies' meeting in Belfast tonight (Monday) and pray that Lord will really bless and challenge as I share about the work in Kenya. Thank you for praying. JANUARY SALES (10/1/11) Friday was the first day back for the market following the Christmas holidays. Traditionally, for everyone in the market, January is a slow, quiet month with very little trade. However, we just thank God so much for the busy weekend which we had. Other traders remarked that it was busier than they had expected. For us, it was not only the best weekend we have ever had in January, it was one of the best weekends we have had since beginning the market 2 years ago. We ask you to pray that this will not have been a one off, but that the remainder of the month and into February and March will continue to be good. In the past we have been given books and various items from a local Bible Bookshop. Some we have sold on the stall and others have been put aside for Kenya. We were delighted on Saturday to receive 6 large boxes of children's books suitable for forwarding to Kenya and 2 boxes of items suitable for the stall. We thank those who thought of us and we thank God for putting it upon their hearts. With so many items being sent to Kenya, the need of a large office/store is becoming more urgent. Unfortunately one option which seemed promising seems to have closed on us over the past few days. We are very disappointed, but looking at alternatives. We know God has the perfect place for us in Nairobi. Those of you who received our prayer letter will know of another opportunity we are praying about concerning land and property. Please continue to make this a matter of prayer so that the way ahead will be clear. We were delighted to hear that the children's rallies held in Western just before Christmas were very well attended. While 80 children attended one of the meetings, 365 attended the other. We praise God for each little life who heard the Gospel. Please continue to pray for all who labour faithfully in Kenya and work hard so that children can hear the Gospel. Some of you may remember I mentioned the need of a printer for our office here in UK. We had thought that an A3 printer would have been beneficial for the work, but the funds just weren't available. The decision was made that an A4 printer, similar to the previous one would suit our needs. As it happened it was my birthday last week and it turned out that I was bought an A4 printer as a present, so FML funds didn't have to be used but we now can print again. God is faithful, even in the everyday things. Please continue to pray for us as we seek to serve the Lord. HAPPY NEW YEAR (5/1/11) I trust you had a blessed Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year on behalf of all involved in FML. Our offices, both in Kenya and in N.Ireland have now reopened following the Christmas break and we are looking forward to a good year serving the Lord. Right from the beginning God is blessing. Today I received a message from a Kenyan friend whom I met during my very first trip there. He is now teaching in Western province and wants to enrol 150 children from the school onto our course. This is good news. 2011 is a special year for us as it will be 5 years since FML was formed. We have a few special things planned to help celebrate and thank God for His blessings to us. We trust you will join with us in continuing to pray for the ministry and for the salvation of boys and girls.
7/5/2012 01:27:02 am
I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it..I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.
7/5/2012 08:10:28 pm
This post is very interesting. I love you're writing style, I pray you keep up the amazing blogging, I'll definitly come back
Pamela Mann
8/5/2012 03:20:12 am
God Bless you all
8/5/2012 09:09:27 pm
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9/5/2012 08:56:49 pm
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Luna Mora Esther
8/2/2018 01:57:33 pm
Dear Sir/Madam,
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