Bible Club 2021
Here you can watch a new club each day; just scroll down the page. Join us live or watch back later.
You can also print out some activities.
Here you can watch a new club each day; just scroll down the page. Join us live or watch back later.
You can also print out some activities.
Click on the picture below to print off a page of team badges for you and your friends.
Cut out, colour and use some cellotape to stick on your badge.
If you aren't able to print, you can draw and make your own
Which team will you choose?
Will you be an oil lamp or a candle?
Cut out, colour and use some cellotape to stick on your badge.
If you aren't able to print, you can draw and make your own
Which team will you choose?
Will you be an oil lamp or a candle?
Click below to watch Monday's club
Click on the picture below to print out Monday's memory verse activity
Click below to watch Tuesday's club
Click on the picture below to print out Tuesday's memory verse activity
Click below to watch Wednesday's club
Click on the picture below to print out Wednesday's memory verse activity
Click below to watch Thursday's club
Click on the picture below to print out Thursday's memory verse activity
Click below to watch Friday's club
Click on the picture below to print out Friday's memory verse activity
A big thank you to those who sent in videos and photos which we were able to share in the clubs; you can watch above. Some boys and girls weren't able to see all of our clubs but sent us some videos at the end of the week saying memory verses that they had already learnt. You can watch below.