Safari Tour 87 - Moses and the Tabernacle (Part 5)
You will be able to watch the Bible club live at
3.30pm UK time / 5.30 pm East Africa time
on Thursday 4 July 2024.
The club will also be live on Facebook and YouTube at the same time.
If you can't watch live, the recording will still be there in all places for you to watch at any time.
Use the "Just for kids" section of the website menu to find your way to previous "Safari through the Bible" broadcasts
3.30pm UK time / 5.30 pm East Africa time
on Thursday 4 July 2024.
The club will also be live on Facebook and YouTube at the same time.
If you can't watch live, the recording will still be there in all places for you to watch at any time.
Use the "Just for kids" section of the website menu to find your way to previous "Safari through the Bible" broadcasts
Click on the activity to print and complete.
Have you ever travelled along a road? Perhaps in a car or a bus? The road brings you on a journey to your destination.
We are learning memory verses from the book of Romans in the Bible. These verses are known as the Romans Road because they bring us on a journey. We start as sinners, we learn that we need a Saviour and we find out how to accept Him as our Lord.
Learn the verses each week and come with us along the Romans Road.
We are learning memory verses from the book of Romans in the Bible. These verses are known as the Romans Road because they bring us on a journey. We start as sinners, we learn that we need a Saviour and we find out how to accept Him as our Lord.
Learn the verses each week and come with us along the Romans Road.
Don't forget to send your completed colouring and puzzles to us or perhaps you may wish to draw a picture about our Bible story. Maybe an adult would like to take a photo of you watching our club or taking part in one of the activities or how about a video of you saying your memory verse or singing one of our songs. We will do our best to show what is sent during our online clubs if we have permission from your parent/guardian to do this. An adult can whatsapp your pictures to +4477116644209 or use any of the contact details found on this website. Remember, the person who sends must be an adult!
(Grown-ups: You must be the parent/guardian/have parental responsibility or have persmission from the person who does in order to send anything regarding the child. Remember to tell us who you are and what permission you grant; is what you are sending just for our encouragement or can we show during the clubs and on our website and/or social media? You may wish to share the child's first name, age or country but please do not be specific in sharing details, either written or in a photo/video; that could identify the child. We reserve the right not to show something which we thinks could put a child at harm or if we feel the content is inappropriate. Any photos/video sent; if being share on our website/social media/literature etc. will be copyrighted under Feed my Lambs for added protection)
(Grown-ups: You must be the parent/guardian/have parental responsibility or have persmission from the person who does in order to send anything regarding the child. Remember to tell us who you are and what permission you grant; is what you are sending just for our encouragement or can we show during the clubs and on our website and/or social media? You may wish to share the child's first name, age or country but please do not be specific in sharing details, either written or in a photo/video; that could identify the child. We reserve the right not to show something which we thinks could put a child at harm or if we feel the content is inappropriate. Any photos/video sent; if being share on our website/social media/literature etc. will be copyrighted under Feed my Lambs for added protection)
Keep checking back every Thursday for more from the Bible.
While you wait, you might like to read more Bible Stories. There is a new one each day. Click here!
You can even try a new quiz each day. This is good for teenagers as it is a little more tricky! Click here!