The priority of Feed My Lambs is to bring the Gospel to the children of Kenya and Uganda. All financial gifts are used for the ministry to cover such expenses as printing correspondence courses and providing Bibles etc. Attending FML seminars or training, or inviting a representative of FML to your home, school, church or project does not automatically guarantee humanitarian, financial or any other aid.
Teaching materials and practical items will be distributed as and when available and at the discretion of FML. Any requests for assistance must follow an application procedure and will be prayerfully considered by the Committee.
FML gives as the Lord provides and directs. Promises of aid; financial or otherwise; made without the approval of the Committee will be deemed as invalid and inappropriate.
All workers with Feed My Lambs; for example, members of the Committee or those who mark the correspondence courses; help on a voluntary basis and are not guaranteed any reward, financial or otherwise.
On some occasions photographs/recordings may be taken at FML seminars, training, meetings or during any formal or informal gathering. Such photographs remain the copyright of FML and may be used on this website or in publications/CDs/DVDs etc. produced by FML either for free distribution or for sale. Anyone attending such gatherings, who does not wish to be included in photographs or DVD recordings should; for our records and so your wishes are consistently complied with; notify the appropriate FML Representative in writing. Willingness to be included in photographs will be taken as consent given to use them.
We may also name voluntary workers or associates of FML on this website or in our publications unless we are notified to the contrary by the individual concerned.
We will never disclose your personal information; such as address, telephone number or e-mail; to third parties without your consent.
FML is committed to the protection of children, and, whilst we may publish photographs of boys and girls on this website and in our publications, we will never display personal details which could endanger them. Parents, Guardians or supervising adults of children attending FML gatherings; either formal or informal; are responsible for notifiying us if they do not wish their children to be included in photographs/recordings. Failure to do this will be taken as permission being granted.
We will always respect the personal wishes of individuals with regard to the above and will make every effort to notify them of our procedures.
Please note that personal details such as names and addresses will be kept on our computer for the purposes of our mailing list. Photos and recordings will also be stored for use in publications. Unless we are notified otherwise we will assume you are happy with this if you give us your details or allow your photo to be taken by camera or DVD recorder.
The priority of Feed My Lambs is to bring the Gospel to the children of Kenya and Uganda. All financial gifts are used for the ministry to cover such expenses as printing correspondence courses and providing Bibles etc. Attending FML seminars or training, or inviting a representative of FML to your home, school, church or project does not automatically guarantee humanitarian, financial or any other aid.
Teaching materials and practical items will be distributed as and when available and at the discretion of FML. Any requests for assistance must follow an application procedure and will be prayerfully considered by the Committee.
FML gives as the Lord provides and directs. Promises of aid; financial or otherwise; made without the approval of the Committee will be deemed as invalid and inappropriate.
All workers with Feed My Lambs; for example, members of the Committee or those who mark the correspondence courses; help on a voluntary basis and are not guaranteed any reward, financial or otherwise.
On some occasions photographs/recordings may be taken at FML seminars, training, meetings or during any formal or informal gathering. Such photographs remain the copyright of FML and may be used on this website or in publications/CDs/DVDs etc. produced by FML either for free distribution or for sale. Anyone attending such gatherings, who does not wish to be included in photographs or DVD recordings should; for our records and so your wishes are consistently complied with; notify the appropriate FML Representative in writing. Willingness to be included in photographs will be taken as consent given to use them.
We may also name voluntary workers or associates of FML on this website or in our publications unless we are notified to the contrary by the individual concerned.
We will never disclose your personal information; such as address, telephone number or e-mail; to third parties without your consent.
FML is committed to the protection of children, and, whilst we may publish photographs of boys and girls on this website and in our publications, we will never display personal details which could endanger them. Parents, Guardians or supervising adults of children attending FML gatherings; either formal or informal; are responsible for notifiying us if they do not wish their children to be included in photographs/recordings. Failure to do this will be taken as permission being granted.
We will always respect the personal wishes of individuals with regard to the above and will make every effort to notify them of our procedures.
Please note that personal details such as names and addresses will be kept on our computer for the purposes of our mailing list. Photos and recordings will also be stored for use in publications. Unless we are notified otherwise we will assume you are happy with this if you give us your details or allow your photo to be taken by camera or DVD recorder.
Our Child Protection Policy is currently being updated and the revised copy will be added here in due course. Any enquiries meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Visuals and resources used within our website, in our printed resources and in our teaching videos consist of those compiled entirely as new works by ourselves or of those from other sources from whom we have obtained permission or permission was already granted. A list of contributors used on our website and any conditions we are aware of can be found below. This list is not exhaustible and will be added to as necessary. For more specific information regarding the origin of any individual resource and their permitted use, please contact us. We have made every effort to trace the owners of copyrighted material and to gain permission as necessary. If you think we have included your work incorrectly we sincerely apologise. Please contact us and we will endeavour to rectify any error. We sincerely thank all of those who have permitted us to use freely or purchase by licence their works so that the Gospel may be shared with others.
Bible illustrations from Sweet Publishing are made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Any extensions of these materials produced by ourselves are also released for use under the same terms.
Best Coloring Pages
Clipart Email
Bible Visuals International
Betty Lukens through the Bible in felt
Ministry to children materials and resources made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence
Clipart zone
Global Recordings
Lambsongs materials used with permission obtained directly from the copyright holders
Bible Fun for Kids
Colouring, puzzle sheets and worksheets:
Colouring/puzzle pages and worksheets vary with production and may be partial copyright Feed my Lambs and partially used with permission and subject to restrictions.
Not to be edited, copied or reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. Such permission, if granted, may be subject to conditions.
Music used with permission from:
Vision Praise
Epworth Methodist Church, Portadown
Paul and Sharon Acheson - CD entitled "All the Many Miracles"
Stories adapted and shared from:
Wee Johnny, Stories for Children, by Harry Pinkerton