Feed My Lambs was founded as a direct result of the Lord speaking to Pamela Mann (as she was then) from Northern Ireland. In 2005; after being involved in child evangelism and child care for 13 years, attending Bible College and also spending time in West Africa; Pamela was challenged about the land of Kenya and the need of the children there. Over time it became evident that there was a work that the Lord wanted her to do. Following a visit to Kenya in July 2006 (alongside her dad Dr Cecil Mann who since passed away) Pamela founded FEED MY LAMBS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY. Pamela has since married William Aiken who was also called into the ministry. The aim of Feed my Lambs is to reach children with the Gospel through evangelism, education, child care and social care and also to support and train born again adults who work with them. We also help with practical ministries. Feed My Lambs Children's Ministry is a non-denominational organisation. We are not directly linked to any other organisation or church and are entirely independent in our decision making. We are more than happy to support, work alongside and have fellowship with born again believers who want to serve the Lord. We are also a "faith" organisation in that we depend totally upon God to provide our every need, financial or otherwise. William and Pamela's vision is that many people would be equipped to go forward at the Lord's command and see many children won for the Kingdom of God.... BECAUSE IT'S EASIER TO BUILD A CHILD THAN TO REPAIR AN ADULT